Tips to Choosing a Private Investigator

  • 12 years ago
Thomas G. Martin, the owner of Martin Investigative Services ( discusses how to hire a private investigator. Mr. Martin oversees 22 private investigators and has offices in Los Angeles, San Diego and Orange County CA (Newport Beach and Mission Viejo).

In this short video Mr. Martin briefly discusses some basic common sense tips for choosing a private investigator as well as pointing you to additional resources that will help you find the right private investigator for your case.

Contact us for a free consultation at 1-800-577-1080.

"Well the first tip would be to hire somebody that has a license. Secondly, I would make sure that they are in good standing with the state where they are licensed and thirdly, to make sure that they have an office that you can go to where you're not meeting somebody in a gin mill or a bar and they want cash. Having an office doesn't make you a good investigator, but it certainly gives peace of mind to the client in case the wheels come off - be it money or if actually the case goes a little bit sideways. So it's very, very helpful. Also, in our book called 'If You Only Knew,' chapter 16 tells you how to pick a private investigator. And you can find this at no charge at"
