L'Arche/The Ark 10

  • 12 years ago
The Ark
At the heart of The Ark, acrobats, music and a host of breathtaking images deliver a message of hope. The Ark gently invites us to reflect upon the slow crumbling of the world around us.
The Ark is made up of a series of unpredictable tableaux, scenes of a remarkable sensitivity.
This piece is a plea on behalf of Nature: our Nature, the one that was bestowed upon us, to preserve and pass on intact to future generations. Our planet is rich; its resources seem limitless, but we should not be fooled: with every hour, every day, every week, it loses more and more. There are men and women working everywhere to preserve our world, our Earth whose fragility is matched only by its beauty.
Our message is not an alarmist one: we simply seek to awaken the public’s interest in a cause that is without borders, without limits.

The Ark is supported by :
The Biodome of Montreal
The Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, United Nations Environment Programme
The Canadian Commission for UNESCO.
