What a nasal polyp looks like

  • 12 years ago
Transcript: "This is Dr. Thomas Lamperti. I'm a facial plastic surgeon in Seattle. Today I'm going to show you what a nasal polyp looks like.Here we're entering the left side of the nose with an endoscope during surgery. On the left side you can see the patient's deviated nasal septum which is significantly blocking his airway & causing nasal obstruction. Next you can see the middle turbinate. As we move back further there's the nasal polyp itself. It's actually in the area where the cheek sinus opens up into the nose & you can see white drainage which is a sign of sinus infection. This patient had had prior antibiotics which didn't help his infection symptoms & he also had nasal blockage from the polyp. This patient is about to have a septoplasty to straighten his septum & also sinus surgery. This involves removing the nasal polyps & also opening up the natural openings of the sinuses. This helps to prevent chronic nasal infection & sinus infection." http://www.drlamperti.com
