Karate Kihon Basics Home DVD Course

  • 12 years ago

This DVD includes all the Basic techniques you need to get your Black Belt in Wado Ryu Karate. Before we move onto that though, we will show you how to warm up so that you are performing at your peak. We will show you exercises to loosen your neck, shoulders, arms and hips as well as tips to help you achieve the splits for those all important head kicks.

Among dozens of techniques, we will show you punches, kicks, strikes, blocks, foot sweeps and how to combine these to the best effect.

We will show you how to increase the speed and power of your punches so that they won't be seen by your opponent until they are getting up off the floor!

Kicks include the front kick, roundhouse kick, side kick, hook kick and spinning hook kick.

Basics are the building blocks of Karate. Once these have been mastered, they can be used for Kata and then modified for Kumite.
