3-Year-Old Girl Found Wandering Florida Highway

  • 12 years ago
3-Year-Old Found Wandering Florida Highway - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

In one recent case, a 3-year-old girl was seen walking along the busy, U.S. Highway 1 in Fort Pierce, Florida.

A passing motorist stopped after seeing the child, grabbed the girl’s hand and called 911.

The mother, 21-year-old Cheryl Cooke arrived at the scene and told officers that she had been sleeping and according to the police report, she was “crying hysterically and appeared disoriented”.

Police officials reportedly followed Cooke home, where officers noted a smell of marijuana and saw a purse in plain view containing a clear bag filled with 23.7 grams of marijuana. Mom was arrested and is facing legal charges and the toddler was placed in her grandmother’s custody.

In late September, a similar report surfaced. A young boy, about 2 years of age, was found alone at a park in New Orleans. A good Samaritan contacted police.

The child’s mother, 39-year-old Sherry Lee reportedly admitted to leaving her child alone at the park and had no plans of returning. She was arrested and charged with child desertion.