友達と手持ち花火 大阪市淀川区 Fireworks with my Friends in Osaka Yodogawa

  • 12 年前
公式ホームページ http://inexs.jp

大阪で国際、異文化、語学交流 日本に滞在している外国人と一緒に、大阪淀川区の河川敷にて日本の夏の風物詩、花火を楽しみました。海外ではあまりなじみのない手持ち花火で盛り上がりました。We had enjoyed Japanese Fireworks with my friends,(Both Japanese and Internationals), it was a great experience to the Internationals, who don't have fireworks in their country. especially holding fireworks must be new to them. it's a style peculiar to Japanese summer. we have various kinds of parties, barbecuing, or other social activities to mingle with both Japanese and foreigners. I hope you can join us. you are more than welcome to be our guest.Please check our website for the detail. thank you.
