Suspect Sought for Spray Painting Animals

  • 12 years ago
Suspect Sought for Spray Painting Animals - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Spray painted graffiti on store fronts or highway bypasses is a relatively common sight. But, one recent case involves a cruel form of vandalism to farm animals.

A family from Fairfield Township noticed that something was very different about their horse. The 10-year-old horse, named Lilly was spray painted in orange, green and yellow colors.

The family’s nine-year-old goat was also a victim, sporting a spray painted face. While the owners were able to remove most of the hasty artwork by cleaning the animals, police are actively searching for the vandals.

A few mailboxes and traffic signs in the area were also painted around the same time.

Although the horse and the goat were unharmed, it has left their owners shaken and confused.

The incident occurs only weeks after another case of Pennsylvania animal cruelty occurred. The Woodworth family, from Athens Township discovered that their horse, named Northstar had been set ablaze. Someone had used an accelerant to light the animal on fire, causing severe burns.