What Is Truly Occurring On The Temple Mount

  • 12 years ago
This video shows the abuses committed by Muslim Arabs (there are Arab Jews and Christians which is why I specify "Muslim") in Israel whose demands refuse to Jews the access to even pray on the Temple Mount in their own country and historic homeland.
Renovation plans were made to their mosque with the hidden intent of destroying precious archaeological evidence that undeniably proves the historic Jewish link to the Temple Mount. A Muslim leader in Jerusalem even had the audacity to say that Jews should not be in Jerusalem!!! This is a city that was built by the Jewish king David after its conquest from the Jebusites. It has been Jewish for thousands of years.
Now I want to clarify that I do not hate Muslims, but I do not like at all what they are doing in Israel, a land which is Jewish in essence and which the G-D of Israel gave to
the Jewish people. The reality is that many Muslims in Israel are committing atrocities against our people, and are threatening the very sovereignty of Israel.
The Israeli government has allowed many outrageous things to occur in the professed pursuit of peace, but Scripture tells us that TRUE peace is only obtained through Justice (Isaiah 32:17), and anything which contradicts G-D's Laws can never
bring true peace and prosperity. Is it G-D's Will that HIS people be denied access to the
Holiest spot in Jerusalem (indeed in Israel) in order to appease those who practice an
erroneous religion which does not recognize the ONE TRUE G-D (The G-D of Israel)?

Links to sites showing the discrimination directed at observant Jews going to the
Temple Mount:

Jews stopped from praying at the Temple Mount


Harassment of Jews at the Temple Mount



Dare to Dream of a Rebuilt Temple


How Strong Is the Arab Claim to Palestine?


Idiot's Guide To Islam


We Hate When You Defend Yourself


Unfortunately I am the victim of hacking, and the hacker is impeding me from placing search tags under this video. I will keep trying to see if I can finally put some tags. I also noticed that part of the original video description had disappeared, but since I save all my descriptions I re-pasted the missing portion.
