Court Ordered Punishment Shifts After Offender's Sex Change

  • 12 years ago
Court Orders Punishment Shifts After Offender's Sex Change - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Some men who undergo a gender change face a life full of difficulties. However, Stuart Fisher seems to have gotten some special treatment after becoming a woman.

47-year-old Fisher, from UK was previously convicted for indecent behavior stemming from several incidents in 2009. A part of his punishment was to attend therapy in a group setting for men. After his conviction, he underwent a sex change and now goes by the name of Saralee Fisher.

In a rare legal move, the terms of her punishment have been altered due to the gender change. Rather than attending group therapy for men, Fisher will now only see his probation officer for one-on-one talks.

Many people believe that the original punishment should stand. However, an official close to the case states: “There was never a chance that the punishment would be removed - it will just be carried out in a different way”.

What do you think - should the punishment stand? Or would you suggest an alternative solution?
