Man in Jail After Throwing Ostrich Egg At Wife

  • 12 years ago
Man in Jail After Throwing Ostrich Egg At Wife - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

Ever hear of a couple arguing over an ostrich egg and a pig?

Over in New Zealand, when Philip Russell got upset after his wife’s pet pig caused over $2,000 in damages to his saw. When his spouse returned home, Russell began cursing, then spat at her several times before forcefully throwing a large ostrich egg at her chest.

According to reports, Russell had told his wife to confine the pig as it had caused damage in the past, however she continued to let it roam freely. He pleaded guilty to assault using the egg as a weapon, and was sentenced to six months behind bars.

In another bizarre report involving couples that are probably not best suited for one another, a South Carolina man, who is also a public works commissioner was charged with domestic violence. 51-year-old, Perry Williams and his wife were reportedly arguing over a simple issue; whether or not key lime pie was considered a fruit which escalated into Williams throwing the pie at his wife.