Sour Milk and Honey

  • il y a 12 ans
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Sour Milk and Honey follows a young man of both Jewish and Muslim descent to the Middle East on a quest to find out what lies behind the headlines and buzzwords of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. As he wanders through Israel, Gaza, and the West Bank, we see the lives and hear the stories of men, women, students, settlers, activists, soldiers, militants, and others. From the scene of a bus bomb or protesters' conflagration with the Israeli army, to a visit with the parents of the "American martyr," Rachel Corrie, Sour Milk and Honey is a candid and revealing look at the meaning of peace in one of the world's hottest hot spots.

An independent video-journal-style documentary, Sour Milk and Honey has been warmly received at numerous film festivals and other local and international venues. The film reveals the human contours of the Middle East conflict and has been used as a springboard for discussion amongst community groups and graduate and undergraduate courses on the conflict.

Sour Milk and Honey is the artistic product of diversity: Jewish, Muslim, Christian, Arab, Israeli, Palestinian, American, Moroccan, French, Canadian, are just a few of the ethnic and cultural backgrounds that have contributed to its realization.
Directed by Tarek Maassarani. Produced by Najat Jellab
