Tiger VS Tiger

  • 12 years ago
Tiger VS Tiger is artwork prepared by Matthew Leach which presents a question: "Actual Tigers VS people that support teams named after Tigers?". Poster also aimed to educate children about tigers history and their origins.

In his wonderful blog, Matthew explains why he decides to use onvert platform and how interactive education could be. Moreover, engaging material could have a positive impact on the understanding and interpreting complex material by children: "It uses the standard educational principle that if you just give someone an answer, then they can easily forget it, but if the are actively involved in finding an answer, then they are more likely to remember".

Please, click on his blog to see more examples and get inspiration from Matthew Leach: http://lucius-games.blogspot.co.uk/

Create for FREE using onvert.com with images and an mp3 - it's really that simple to create clever, interactive content to use for business, personal or educational. No software and free app on any OS.

Visit onvert.com for demos, tutorials and to create your own.

Award-winning AR platform by UK creative company, http://harmony.co.uk


