Interactive Quiz - Superb AR Application Onvert

  • 12 years ago
Quizzes, questionnaires, and surveys are a very common and widely used tool to gain feedback and engage with the public. Only one drawback - they are very BORING. takes this challenge and applies enhanced reality powered by 3D images, music and animation to transfer a boring and ordinary quiz into something interactive and extraordinary!

The best part is that the onvert platform is easy to use and ANYONE can create their own interactive artwork WITHOUT ANY technical skill required and absolutely FREE of charge!

Please visit our gallery at to get inspiration and see more examples!

Created for FREE using with images and an mp3 - its really that simple to create clever, interactive content to use for business, personal or education. No software and free app on any OS.

Visit for demos, tutorials and to create your own.

Award-winning AR platform by UK creative company.
