• 12 years ago
On 13 April 2011 in a lavish ceremony, hosted at the National Geology Museum, the diplomatic and academic community of Romania had honored the ROMANIAN BOOK PRIZE for 2011, awarded to NATIONAL PATRIMONY OF ROMANIA , a book by former environment minister Petru Lificiu ,present day Vice-President of ANRE (National Agency for Energy).
The book is creating a complete and extensive inventory on the wealth on national Romanian patrimony. The information’s are extremely useful and scientific certified on : natural protected area, natural parks, biosphere reservation, humid areas of national importance, sites of natural universal patrimony , natural geology and paleontology reservation, protected area and tourism.

A plus of the work is the english language edition, that is granting to international public direct access to high quality information’s regarding the extent and importance of natural Romanian patrimony.
The english edition of NATURAL PATRIMONY OF ROMANIA by Petru Lificiu is a novelty on national stage and is achieving a mission of special importance : creating a massive knowledge in the all world regarding the extraordinary natural potential of Romania and supporting the acknowledgment of Romania as a exceptional value touristic destination on Europe`s map.
Another argument in favor of awarding the famous prize is the printing of the book in exceptional graphic conditions, accompanied by a few dozen of marvelous quality photos, that are by itself true ambassadors of the beauties of our country in front of all the readers.
The public awarding ceremony and book presentation was held with the support of National Geology Museum, one of the most remarkable cultural institutions dedicated in promoting environment protection in Romania.
The book award presentation was publicly sustained by H.E. Ljupco Arsovski –Ambassador of Macedonia and H.E. Yacub Yousef Al Hosani- Ambassador of United Arab Emirates.
At the public awarding ceremony of the ROMANIAN BOOK AWARD the stage was taken by H.E. Ambassador of Morocco – Ahmed Sendague , H.E. Ljupco Arsovski –Ambassador of Macedonia , H.E. Yacub Yousef Al Hosani- Ambassador of United Arab Emirates , H.E. Ahmad Aqel- Ambassador of Palestine , H.E. Mba Ama Mba- Ambassador of Nigeria , H.E. Kim Son Gyong –Ambassador of DPR-Korea , Philippines Charge d`Affairs Mrs. Maria Pangilian, cultural attaché of Iraq and Bulgaria, while in the hall where present other 40 representatives of diplomatic missions accredited in Bucharest.
After the ROMANIAN BOOK AWARD was handed down to the recipient by professor dr. Anton Caragea the ceremonies continued with a popular song performance organized by Romanian national artist Gheorghe Turda and his guests.


