Active Directory Change Reporter and live Monitoring Tool - JiJi AuditReporter

  • 12 years ago
Active Directory Change Auditing & Reporting Tool enables Tracking, Auditing, Reporting, and Quick detection and Alerting Unauthorized Active Directory vital changes in real time. Also provide the solutions for the changes such as (Who, What, When, where, which Domain and why). It also Enables forensics activity , Ensure Security, Prevent Security Breach. JiJi Auditreporter will help administrators to track all event and take necessary actions before the situation goes too far.
JiJi AuditReporter is a web based Active Directory Auditing tool, which creates AD reports for Audits and can issue AD change notifications.


Audits are required to keep the business process clean, clear and compliance with state and federal laws. It also helps the IT administrators to find any discrepancies in systems securities as well as enforcing pre-defined company's IT policies. A company, which responsibly meets the compliance and security, wins the confidences of their investors and clients.
