
  • 18 years ago
"His music is supernatural, he is one of a kind...gives me goosebumps everytime I remember seing him in concert."
-CD Baby fan review by Rdot

Truly one of the most unique performers in the world (!), Levi's music reaches across all ages, ethnicities and nationalities. The instrumental foundation crosses all borders, and integrates cultural and regional music and styles effortlesly.
An intense and dynamic performer, Levi has the gift of being able to touch the hearts and minds of listening audiences. His "Eastern Western" compositions provide sonic canvases for his signature guitar work and frequent improvisation. True to musical tradition, Levi Chen and Liquid Gardens are at their best in concert. They are continually evolving with the music, and go from delivering a tight pop performance to expanded jamband improvisation, in a heartbeat, "Live in the moment."
