New York Undertakes Mass Geese Euthanization

  • 12 years ago
New York Undertakes Mass Geese Euthanization - as part of the news series by GeoBeats.

About 700 Canadian geese from the Jamaica Bay Wildlife Refuge in New York have been rounded up by the federal government for euthanization. It seems the birds are causing problems for airplanes that are flying nearby. Remember the U.S. Airways Flight 1549 out of LaGuardia in 2009 that landed in the Hudson River? Birds being sucked into both of the airplane’s engines caused the emergency landing. Since then, there have been several instances of emergency landings due to birds interfering with flights.

The geese are flightless during their molting season, so officials took advantage of their immobility at this time to capture the geese in a pen to be put in crates and sent to a poultry plant upstate, where they will be put to death in a gas chamber, and according to the United States Department of Agriculture, their meat will be donated to food pantries. But, says an animal advocate from GooseWatch New York City, “There have been instances in the past where food banks have rejected the meat or because of issues regarding the specific facilities that haven’t been able to properly cook or distribute the meat.”
