Original animation created for the Ipi soft DMC contest ending on april 7th 2011.
Edit: it won 1 of the 5 licenses put in the contest :)
All the animation in this teaser are generated from the markerless mocap software from Ipi Soft, basic workflow:
3 Cameras > Desktop motion capture > 3dsmax biped to CAT > Mental Ray > After Effects > Vegas > Vimeo :)
Original soundtrack from Deus Ex- Human Revolution by Vitaliy Zavadskyy: myspace.com/vforvital
1st part of the making of at vimeo.com/22036677
2nd part of the making of at 1k0.blogspot.com/2011/04/danse-kabyle-making-of-environment.html
3rd part of the making of at vimeo.com/22426125
More informations at 1k0.blogspot.com/search/label/Danse%20Kabyle
Edit: it won 1 of the 5 licenses put in the contest :)
All the animation in this teaser are generated from the markerless mocap software from Ipi Soft, basic workflow:
3 Cameras > Desktop motion capture > 3dsmax biped to CAT > Mental Ray > After Effects > Vegas > Vimeo :)
Original soundtrack from Deus Ex- Human Revolution by Vitaliy Zavadskyy: myspace.com/vforvital
1st part of the making of at vimeo.com/22036677
2nd part of the making of at 1k0.blogspot.com/2011/04/danse-kabyle-making-of-environment.html
3rd part of the making of at vimeo.com/22426125
More informations at 1k0.blogspot.com/search/label/Danse%20Kabyle
Art et design