Permanent Weight Loss-Photos Before and After

  • 12 years ago
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write down the number of calories in each food you eat as you eat it. Keep in mind that the recommended serving size is often considerably smaller than the serving you actually eat. Don't forget to include coffee mix-ins, condiments, and other additions to your daily diet. Identify your food triggers and plan accordingly. Careful planning can help you avoid trigger foods and empty calorie traps you may have identified in your food journal. Look for healthy, delicious meal and snack ideas online or in cookbooks, and create a menu for the week. Make a list of what you'll need for these meals, and don't stray from your list when you get to the grocery store. Looking at market circulars can also give you ideas and even cut costs by buying weekly sale items and seasonal produce. Incorporate appropriate portion sizes into your meal plan. For instance, a healthy snack of almonds and dried cranberries can turn into a huge
