CGRundertow SPACE FALCON RELOADED for iOS / iPad Video Game Review


by CGRundertow

Classic Game Room presents a CGRundertow review of Space Falcon Reloaded from Rapid Turtle Games for the iPad. In the vein of classic arcade shooters, Space Falcon Reloaded is a scrolling excursion through the annals of space. And it's not an easy trip, but to be fair, the controls have a lot to do with that. You play by tapping the bottom of the screen. The left button moves your craft to the left, the right button moves it to the right and your ship fires lasers automatically. This works alright, but the problem is that tapping a screen to steer doesn't quite feel as intuitive as using an analog stick. It's inherently slower. The game itself is pretty good, though. The enemies attack in waves, and your only means of self-defense are the power-ups that improve your default weapon. There's a motionless laser beam, there are screen-wide missiles...this stuff really helps even the odds against these overpowered alien scum. This video review features video gameplay footage of Space Falcon Reloaded for the iPad and audio commentary from Classic Game Room's Derek.

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