Roy's Crazy Show, 110, By Request.

  • 12 years ago
Dear viewers,
believe it or not, somebody recognised me, and asked me if i would do a certain song for them, which is the second one here, and who, am i, to let my fan's down.
and you my friend, know exactly whom i am referring to...don't you!.
please forgive my droll fooling about, but that is just me acting, certifiably crazy,
which is what my show is all about, thus, if you don't like my singing, then you can have a laugh at my expense, instead, because, i don't care, how foolish i might look.
it is all in the name of entertainment, and apart from doing a streak, there isn't much else, i wouldn't do, to achieve that hight.
once again, thanks for tuning in.
take care