Roy's Crazy Show, 105..Mexican Girl.

  • 12 years ago
Dear viewers,
Yet another song, made famous by Smokie.
i have recorded about 10 of their songs, and this is about the 4th one i have done like this for you. I know i started jittery with these affects, but i think, each time i am getting better, and better, and it won't be long, when i will do an absolutely perfect one, and i will eventually impress every one of you, all at the same time.
once again, especially to the 1600 plus, thank you for making all my pains taking hard work, so worth while, because without you, i wouldn't even dream of doing it, and believe it or not, i do it all for you.
I especially had a lot of fun, looking through the pictures, for Mexican girls, and my god, there is no shortage of beautiful Mexican Women, I was spoilt for choice, so if i have left any of you Mexican ladies out, please forgive me.
I would have you all in my film if i could, but, the song is just over 4 minutes, and i can only get about 80 of you on it.
x To all of you girls
take care
