Roy's Crazy Show, 97..My Vest 2 U...2

  • 12 years ago
Dear viewers,
I can't believe it, that at long last, my uploads are loading,..touch wood!!!.
and hopefully this one will too.
I can't remember what Song's are here. I made this one last week, sometime.
I have done a lot of Vest wearing shows since then, with the songs, all jumbled up,
and i am sorry, if i am repeating the odd one, or two, that i have done on earlier shows.
Perhaps i have done a better version, then before!!.
They're all going to be like this, at least for a while.
This is me doing a set in my Black Vest. The New Genre.
I feel free'er singing like this, hope you don't mind, but believe me, i am wearing boxer shorts, that's if you are wondering.
I think i was wearing my proud Union Jack ones.
No...i wouldn't want to forget them, you never know when the camera is going to start playing tricks on me, anyway,.gotta keep it, and myself clean.
Please try and enjoy me, as i enjoy you watching me.
Thank you once again,
Take care, stay safe.