It is necessary to save the light OKAIO the light of tomorrow....

  • il y a 12 ans
Hello everyone .. finally my 4 reports on innovations in light are there ... my last chance to find serious investors ... .. finally! prerequisites for industrial design will be done at home in the new premises ... (for reasons of practice and health) market gigantic ... SHARE .. thank you for these videos DISTRIBUTE up around you ... you will be the heroes of the future industrial success story ... all photos on the site is on the main folder ... "the report pre-industrial high school Marcel Dassault (Rochefort 17) and my patent attorney M.METZ Strasbourg is ready to talk with investors ultra serious .. . you are the last dove of hope ... that the light be with you ... olive ... .. okaio 0lao ... http://www.okaio-olavia-photographes-l-instant-emotionnels. com
