He Shou Wu & Naturally Boosting Dopamine

  • 12 years ago
Click here to learn more: http://hyperionherbs.com/how-he-shou-wu-naturally-boosts-dopamine/
He Shou Wu has been classically regarded as one of the greatest anti-aging, rejuvenation, and longevity herbs in Chinese Medicine. He Shou Wu is classified as a tonic to the Kidney Yin Jing as well as to the Blood. It's also said to have a stabilizing and grounding effect to the heart and nervous system and its for these reasons that many experience a calm sense of upliftedness after consuming this revered tonic herb.
The good news is that modern science has revealed some mechanisms why which this effect may be occurring. One top candidate is he shou wu's ability to inhibit monoamine oxidase or MAO-B.
Researchers have found that of all herbs studied, he shou wu is the greatest inhibitor of MAO activity.
