• 6 years ago
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Presented by Cheryl


Beyond Addiction originated in Hinton, starting out as a three chord punk band. After constant growing and evolving their music has taken on a life and style all it's own, as can be seen in their album 'Silence Craved', which ranges from melodic acoustic songs to headbanging metal, embodying a hard rock spirit and keeping their punk roots alive all the while. Now based out of Edmonton, Alberta, in pre-production for their upcoming new acoustic album 'Blinding Light', Beyond Addiction is excited and poised for whatever the future holds.---------------------------------- Drums on "Phoenix Effect", "New Born Reality", "Caged Bird" and "Blinding light" by Tim Waterson Drums on "Falling", "It's Too Good" and "Nothings' Sacred" by Clayton Gullickson
Tune in again to BalconyTV Edmonton!

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