• 6 years ago
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Presented by Cheryl


Many eager eyes and ears are being kept on "LRT" waiting for their debut album called "WALK TALL"!The album is said to be uplifting,encouraging,and by those who have heard it "It will be a Classic..."With all 3 members full input,the 3 man collective are certain to make the dent(s) already made a wide hole for everyone to make their way through to the other side!!!Album to be released Oct.2 2010 with a video for the 1st single:"LRT(Locution Revolution Train)" Locution: a type of/or style of speech... Revolution: a drastic or dramatic overthrowing or change. Coming together fully in the beginning of 2007, these showmen can be mistaken for superheroes, or cowboys, and also played with by many as action figures. iD(True Hiphoppa,Chairman of Hip Hop in the Park), Khi-Guy(Hip Hop Kultural Specialist),and DJ Budakron. They spanned the globe musically from Rap to Folk, over to Reggae, and forward with Soul and beyond. iD raps and harmonizes on the harmonica, while Khiry raps / sings harmony while dancing with his signature "Kain", while DJ Budakron compliments the flow with cuts of energy while caught in the moment! They have opened for the likes of the "GZA"Genuis,Living Legends,Ira Lee,Abstract Rude... traveled throughout Western Canada and have become known for their high energy shows and known as show stealers, because of their antics, dancing, crowd interaction, and no lack of skills. They are sure to impress any music lover!.......

Tune in again to BalconyTV Edmonton!

If you want to be on the show contact us at sean@balconytvedmonton.com

