
  • 12 years ago
Shailesh Sonar’s Estimate.
 Let us learn how to generate Bill of Quantity (BOQ) & Study its Market Rate Justification.
 This file contains more than 10 lakh links which are interconnected, more than 10 thousand formulae which are used, total 4000 thousand Civil item rate analysis based on current market rates. Means all kind of civil Engineering Calculation we can do in it.
 Abstract sheet is summary of market rate Justification Statement which is final output.
 Detailed estimate sheet contains sub head wise Sum of DSR amount. It also resembles the summary of detail items which we will be entering.
 For the detail item sheet inputs are given from Sheets of DSR, Material, Labour, Tool & Plants & Carriage.
 DSR- includes all detail DSR rates item wise along with justified rates (justified rate means it is calculated from current Market Rates)


