Dealing with Disaster Debris, Sharing the Japanese Experience

  • 12 years ago
In collaboration with the Japanese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA), UNEP's International Environmental Technology Centre and Post-Conflict and Disaster Management Branch are organizing and international mission to the Japanese region of Tohuku to exchange experience on managing post-disaster debris. The mission is visiting Tohuku from 27 February to 2 March 2012.

A year after a massive earthquake and tsunami struck Eastern Japan, killing thousands and destroying cities and villages along the coast of the country's Tohoku region, the UNEP team of international experts is visiting the affected area to meet with officials, visit waste management and debris recycling facilities, and share information and experiences with people involved in the clean-up effort.
Given the unprecedented volume of debris from the Great East Japan earthquake, and the efficiency with which the Japanese authorities and communities have responded, UNEP intends to share the methods and lessons learned.
