THOTH is The Book With The Seven Seals (The Greatest Sign)

  • vor 12 Jahren
THOTH is The Book With The Seven Seals (The Greatest Sign)

For those about the Higher Mysteries, I greet
Your Higher Self.

The Book With
The Seven Seals

The Holiest Of The Holies
The Last Testament

"But in the days of the voice of

the seventh angel… the mystery

of God should be finished,…" (Rev 10:7)

What is the true meaning of the Seven Seals?

The Greatest Sign

Z i o n

Zion = Justice = The Light =

The Greatest Sign

Revelation 14:1
"Then I looked, and behold,
on Mount Zion stood the Lamb,
and with him 144,000
who had his name and his
Father's name written
on their foreheads."

One World, One Humanity, One Savior, One God

Mission Of Maitreya
Eternal Divine Path

SoundMix: The Torch
Sounds: Jonathan Goldman
Music: Tibetan Monks


Imagery: Ascended Masters

Teachings: I AM Presence
Violet Fire
Threefold Flame


Be blessed in Christ. :)
Namaste. Hare Krishna. :)

You are Me. We are Us, we are One

I have not come to confirm prophecy, ...
I have come to fullfill it.

And You?

No commercial intent.
Just freedom of creation, expression, and sharing.
All rights remain with the makers of the material shown.
