Ghana, Humjibre: Bednet distribution

  • 12 years ago
300 nets were disributed in one of the villages close to Humjibre in Bibiani district in the Western Region.

Over the course of four days at the beginning of February, CHWs from Humjibre and Kojina worked together with GHEI health staff to hang 158 bednets in 44 homes. We made announcements in the community in advance, informing them which day and time we would come to their area to hang the bednets so that they could try to be home by postponing going to farm or coming back from farm early. Some days we started our distribution in the early morning and some days we went in the late afternoon to have a better chance of meeting everyone in the community. We worked in three groups of three to four people to go door to door and room to room to hang bednets for every sleeping site in Kojina for a blanket cover of the community
