Malawi, Mulanje District, Milonde and Bondo: Bednet distributions

  • 12 years ago
The nets were distributed in Mulanje district where Save the Children (SC) is supporting 12 of the 23 health facilities (year 2010) in the implementation of a Community Case Management (CCM). The CCM strategy, which falls under the Integrated Management of Childhood Illnesses (IMCI) policy, is one of the high impact interventions advocated by the government of Malawi under the essential health care package for accelerated child survival and development. The Multiple Indicator Cluster Survey of 2006, indicates that Mulanje district has the lowest proportion of households owning a mosquito net (26 %) among all the other districts in the country.

The Ministry of Health in Malawi, through the IMCI implementation strategy, prioritises those communities that are far from health facilities( more than 8km) for provision of life saving high impact interventions to reduce under-five mortality, of which distribution of insecticide treated bed nets is part of.
