• 6 years ago

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Presented by Cheryl


Sometimes music has a way of consuming ones life and ones conscience. Music has a way of entering your mind, making you think, and in some cases creating a deep emotional response. Music has the ability to give new life to those who crave something with a deeper meaning.

Meet On Your Mark. A five piece Pop/Alternative band with a self appointed task to bring colour into a world that at times can seem extremely "black and white". On Your Mark's focus is to create music that defines the broad spectrum of what it feels like to live in this life. Whether it be dealing with a broken friendship or finding a new love, On Your Mark believes that by creating an emotional connection with listeners we can all find common ground to live and support each other on.

Since the band's humble beginnings in August 2009, On Your Mark has gone through many significant changes. The ambition to play for soley selfish reasons progressively turned into the quest to reach out and attempt to relate to listeners, in the hope that they reach back. The band accomplished this after releasing their 3 song EP entitled "Live it, Love it".

Since the release of the EP, the band underwent a serious line up change which allowed them to introduce a more serious and mature style of writing. On Your Mark plans to continue working with highly esteemed producer Greg Wright to release a full length album in spring 2012 with the hope to attract media and industry attention.

We are all given a choice to follow our own path. This is the path we choose to take. This is all we've ever known.

Tune in again to BalconyTV Edmonton!

If you want to be on the show contact us at sean@balconytvedmonton.com

