Mikayla's Story ~ Fatty Liver Disease ~

  • 12 years ago
Adopted Sept 9, 2011 from our local rescue. Her owner had a stroke & Mikayla spent six weeks in the home with limited care. I can tell her previous owner loved her so much - she truly loves human contact. Mikayla made a cautious & steady adjustment & she integrated well with her new brothers & sisters.

Around Oct.12th, she became very fussy & abruptly stopped eating/drinking completely. We were told to try force feeding both food & fluids. This did not go well at all!

Blood tests revealed she had fatty liver, due to not eating, which was (most likely) brought on due to stress. She was extremely jaundice, was placed on IV saline fluids & was very weak. Just the smell of food nauseated her. The IV solution was helping, although she managed to pull it out on three occasions.

By October 25th, she seemed strong enough to have a feeding tube inserted into her neck & we were able to bring her home on October 28th. More info here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-6H-wUo0emE

