Israel strikes back after 8 killed by terrorists

Israel launched a number of air strikes in Gaza targeting terror sites early Friday, hours after 8 Israelis were killed and scores wounded in a series of coordinated terror attacks on Israeli civilians cars, buses and security forces near Eilat. Six Israeli civilians and two members of the security forces were killed by terrorists armed with automatic weapons, bomb belts, anti-tank rockets and explosives. Some of the terrorists wore Egyptian military uniforms. Israeli security officials estimate between 15 to 20 terrorists participated in the series of attacks on Highway 12 not far from the southern city ofEilat. The terrorists from Gaza crossed into Egypt and infiltrated Israel from the Sinai, crossing over the border near an Egyptian military post. They then took up positions along the highway and prepared to kill. At least seven of the terrorists were killed by Israeli soldiers and members of the anti-terror unit, the Egyptian Army said it killed two, and the rest are believed to have fled back into Egypt. On Thursday night addressing the Nation, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu warned if "anyone thinks we will accept this they are wrong." Sending his condolences to the families and wishing the injured a speedy recovery he announced that the terrorists who planned the attack are no longer among the living. The anti-missile Iron Dome defense system was deployed in the South after several Grad missiles were fired at southern Israel on Thursday night by Palestinians in Gaza. Shortly before Netanyahu addressed the public the Air Force targeted a number of buildings in Rafah killing the commander of the Popular Resistance Committee Kamal al-Nairib, his deputy and three others . At noon Thursday the terrorists opened fire at an Israeli vehicle containing a couple and their two children driving on road 12 to Eilat. Minutes later the terrorists with automatic weapons sprayed bus no.392 traveling from Beersheba to Eilat. The majority of occupants in the bus were soldiers returning home for the weekend. They then fired an anti-tank rocket and opened fire at another civilian car killing all of its occupants. A bus that arrived shortly after was also targeted, one of the terrorists detonated a bomb belt killing the driver and causing the bus to set fire. Another Israeli driver was killed when shots were fired at her car. Golani troops summoned to the site following the shooting at bus 392 pursued the terrorists, running over one with their vehicle and shooting another. During the gun battle that ensued a soldier was killed. Addition elite army and military units were dispatched to the site to search for the terrorists and the Air Force deployed combat helicopters. In one instance the terrorists fired an anti-tank rocket at one of the helicopters, and also reportedly fired mortar shells at Israeli troops. Towards evening a gun battle erupted between terrorists and members of Israel Police elite counter-terror unit killing a veteran member.