India's Hero Subash Chandra Bose Honored


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India celebrates the 115th anniversary of the birth of India's freedom fighter, Netaji Subash Chandra Bose otherwise known as Nataji. He was renowned throughout the land for his efforts to drive the British rulers out of India and secure the Nation's independence.

India celebrates the 115th anniversary of the birth of Freedom Fighter, Netaji Subash Chandra Bose on Monday.

He was the leader of India's freedom struggle against the British, and the founder of it's national army.

Bengali born, Subhash Chandra Bose was the catalyst in sowing the seeds of independent India and revolutionary ideals in the minds of the youth of that time.

The Governor of India's eastern West Bengal says Bose made a vital contribution in India's struggle for independence.

[M.K. Narayanan, Governor of India's Eastern West Bengal]:
"He is well known and well understood that there is no Indian alive or even dead, who is not aware of Netaji's remarkable deeds, which were aimed at securing India's independence."

A 95-year-old freedom fighter recalls his days serving under Bose.

[Abbas Ali, Freedom Fighter]:
"... On this occasion I want to share my experience when we used to work with him in INA. He used to raise this slogan - 'you give me blood and I give you liberty' and he fulfilled his words all the time he was alive."

Ali added that Bose is still alive in the hearts of many people.

The actual facts of Bose's death are a mystery, government reports say he was killed in an air crash on August 18, 1945.

But Ali says he saw Bose addressing soldiers at an event in Singapore 10 days after his reported death.