Karate 360 by Kambiz Mostofizadeh - Published by Mikazuki Publishing House

  • 12 years ago

Title: Karate 360

Author: Kambiz Mostofizadeh

Publisher: Mikazuki Publishing House

ISBN-10: 0983594627 (Print)

ISBN-13: 9780983594628 (Print)

ISBN: 978-0-9835946-7-3 (E-book)

Pages: 111

Release Date: December 2011

Print Retail Price: $14.99

E-book Retail Price: $4.99

Explore Karate's roots, learn key karate techniques, and learn why Karate is the world's most popular martial art.

EXCERPT - "The essence of Karate is defense. The powerful leg strikes, efficient blocking techniques, and strong punches evolved in to an effective martial art that eventually became the most popular martial art in the world. "
