Upcoming Album Release - Are you really ready to put ...

  • 13 years ago
- http://lorenweisman.com -

Too many people talk about dropping an album, a song or a single and most of the time, the hype is true. It drops and falls, then goes away. If you are not making the preparations for an album release to be supported with the right promotion and marketing, it will short cut the long term results. Album releases need to be budgeted for, which means if you are on a limited budget you might need to either borrow, get a loan or find some crowd funding to support those new album releases in the right way.

That could also mean that instead of spending an extra week in the studio on extra overdubs or arguing about the mix, you give your self a solid guideline and budget for the recording to be completed, then putting the rest to the promotion and release. In turn, when the latest album releases are mentioned, you are building momentum, being heard, being found, being purchased. On any given day of all the albums released today, the majority and we are talking over 90% are going no where, being heard by no one and losing any chance of making any kind of lasting impression.

Plan effectively and put in the same effort to the release as you do in the recording.
