Window Coverings for Kitchens

  • 13 years ago
Window Coverings for Kitchens - as part of the expert series by GeoBeats. The kitchen is its own unique room. Mostly because you have got a window, typically over the sink, and you may have windows within your seating area or your breakfast area. I had like to suggest a woven blind. Not only does it bring some interesting texture into the room, which, typically, you may need. You have got your floor, you have got your counter, you have got your cabinet. But how do I bring some interest in to the room? And you can do this by window coverings. You can also do it by adding a little taping, decorative treatment. And that, again, can coordinate with other colors in the room. But this is a really easy treatment to use. You have a cord lock system, very simple to use, a self valence. It is neat, it is clean. So it lets the light in, it does afford you a certain amount of privacy. You can also put a lining behind this if you like. Or you can do a double treatment like this, where you have the woven. And they you have layered with a fabric treatment. The wovens also, these cord lock systems are knotted, so that it helps in child proofing, and child safety, which is really a great feature. This treatment right here is called a Hobbled Roman. And it is just got a really soft fold like a fabric. A lot of the woven treatments can be fabricated, so they have the same kind of styling as a fabric. But yet, you have got this lovely woven texture. So these are some great options for your kitchen windows.