How to Win an Emmy

  • 13 years ago
Here is a little inspirational video we put together here at ( ) to celebrate Christopher Allan Smith's winning of an Emmy award in 2011.

He was lucky enough to do it with his cousin and longtime collaborator Ryan Neisz. Ryan is the owner of a southern California video company, Clear Creative Media ( ).

The upshot: You can dream of great things, and that's all well and good, but working long and hard to achieve your goals is what success demands.

They won for a video to keep students from drunk driving:

Some words which might help you search for this video again are:
Rocket Spots,, Emmy winning, Christopher Allan Smith, Video Services, High Definition, High-Definition, Television Spot, Chico Videographer, Videography, Ryan Neisz, Clear Creative Media,, Emmy Awards, Emmy Winner, Every 15 Minutes
