Amsterdam, but go to Friesland for New Years in Holland............

  • 13 years ago
Please support independent film making by visiting us at Have you ever been bored with New Year's Eve? Fed-up with the traditional celebration in your community? If you are then you should join our intrepid presenter as he braves public transport between Christmas and NewYears, leaving London on an expedition to Holland, or to be more precise, Friesland. It's certainly flatter than home and he already knows it's famous for its cows, but he gets the shock of his life when New Year's Eve comes at last and the locals start hauling out monster milk churns filling them with a secret explosive and exploding them all over the countryside in a mass celebration. The lids of the churns travel out of sight in the air with a deafening roar and return just as quickly, to prove essentially that flying man hole covers are not the best vehicle for a space program. By the end of the event everybody is deaf, their hands are burnt, nobody is quite sober.
