9 11 Memorial - 9/11 Book Of Names

  • 13 years ago
http://www.indymetaletching.com Picture this - We at Indy Metal Etching took a phone call. On the other end of the phone was a man we had met at a tradeshow last year who began to explain how he'd been commissioned to create a memorial metal cross to be erected in front of the church across from the Trade Center grounds. He wanted a metal etched book created with all the names of the victims that would be on a stand at the foot of the cross. Could Indiana Micro Metal Etching do that?

Not only could we, but we'd be honored. AND we wanted it to be our donation. No charge. We'd raise the money to produce the metal book from local donations and then drive the book to New York for the May memorial service.

Thanks to the many donations from our vendors , the metal etched 9/11 Memorial Book of names is now available for business and residential purchase. For more information call us at (574) 293-3342
