How do I complete Phase 1 of the hCG 1234™ Diet from Creative Bioscience?

  • 13 years ago
Phase 1 of the hCG 1234™ Diet from Creative Bioscience lasts for two days, called "loading" days. Begin taking the suggested use of hCG Diet drops on your hCG 1234™ bottle first thing in the morning, and hold the hCG drops under your tongue for 60 seconds. Swallow any remaining liquid. Your weight loss journey has begun! At least 30 minutes before lunch, and again 30 minutes before dinner, take the suggested dosage of hCG diet drops again, for a total of three doses.
During these two days of the hCG 1234™ Diet you will overindulge on rich food with high fat content, such as peanuts, meat, specialty pork, butter, cheese, ice cream, and donuts—just to name a few. This Loading Phase is important, allowing you to store enough energy and allow you appetite control during the next phase of the hCG Diet.
