Funerals and gunfire in Syria

  • 13 years ago
Amateur video out of Syria shows a funeral service in Deir al-Zour.
The video, which could not be independently verified by Reuters shows thousands of mourners on the streets chanting for freedom.
The funeral comes as the Arab League meeting in Cairo is considering suspending Syria.
More footage shows gunmen shooting at demonstrators.
Syrian President Bashar al-Assad has intensified a military crackdown to crush protests demanding his resignation. The United Nations says the crackdown has killed 3,000 people.
Footage purpotedly out of Derra shows demonstrators out on the streets. A Libyan Revolutionary flag hangs from a building.
Video out of Homs shows Syrian forces on the streets.
For months Arab governments have been silent for months while Assad's troops tried to put down the uprising.
But the country is now in danger of descending into a civil war that could destabilize its neighbors.
On Sunday, thousands of Syrian troops reportedly opened fire in a resort town on the border with Lebanon -- that came a day after heavy fighting in the area between army defectors and loyalist forces.
Deborah Lutterbeck, Reuters