Parry/Regen WE

  • 13 years ago
I cut off the first half of most of the fights because if I didn't, this video would be even longer than it already is :/

Warhammer Online: Age of Reckoning
Badlands Server
RR93 Witch Elf

Career spec:;13;0;9:7:;13:9:...

There's an extra point that you can put into either tree, or take a tactic. I grabbed Septic Blade to fool around with.

Renown spec:

This is NOT a ganking spec. This is NOT a normal spec in the least. I do it once every few months at duels cuz it makes me laugh. The people that can beat me in this spec do it due to positioning. I generally win more if I'm in my normal spec, but where's the fun in that?
