• 14 years ago
Акафіст Святому Архистратигу Михаїлу (продовження - 2 частина). Кліросний хор Михайлівського Собору, Свято-Михайлівського Золотоверхого Монастиря міста Києва.

Akathist (Orthodox Christian hymn) to Holy Archangel Michael (continuation - 2 part), in Ukrainian. By choir of the Saint Michael's Church of the Saint´s Michael Golden-Domed Monastery, Kyiv, Ukraine.

Archangel Michael - holy guardian and patron of Ukraine and its capital - holy city of Kyiv (He is on its coat of arms). Michael (name means "Who is like God?" in Hebrew) is also patron of all Christian Church (Orthodox and Roman-Catholic), patron of Brussels (capital of EU), Germans and Germany, Jewish people and ancient Israel, city of Great Novgorod in Russia. Some of his famous shrines on earth are traditionally on the strategic islands and mountain tops - such as of Mantamados and Panormitis (places known by miracles) in Greece, mountain Gargano in Italy and the island of Mont Saint Michel off Normandy´s coast in France.


