• 12 years ago
Instructions and teachings of Saint Ephraim the Syrian, one of the greatest Christian saints from the 4th century.

The most popular title for Ephrem is Harp of the Spirit (Syriac Kenârâ d-Rûhâ). He is also referred to as the Deacon of Edessa, the Sun of the Syrians and a Pillar of the Church. He has been declared a Doctor of the Church in Roman Catholicism. He is especially beloved in the Syriac Orthodox Church.


Music: Eastern Orthodox chant "Come to bow to Christ, Our King and God" (in Ukrainian) by church choir "Vydubychi" (Ukrainian Orthodox Church of Kyiv Patriarchate).

Повчання святого Єфрема Сирина (англійська версія). Музика: "Прийдіте поклонімся". Церковний хор "Видубичі" (Української Православної Церкви Київського патріархату).
