DOA "Levousa fremosa". Susana de Lorenzo: voz soprano, harmonium; Oscar Fernandez: zanfona; Bernardo Martínez: percusión, teclados; Xoan PInon: laúde, guitarra eléctrica e acústica; Xaquín Blanco: gaitas, frautas, cromorno e xafon. Videoclip do seu ultimo traballo "A fronda dos cevos". Música orixinal de Xoan Piñón; letra de Pero Meogo.
DOA. Music band from Galicia, Songs of Saint Mary; of Alfonso X the Wise; Martín Codax; Codex Calixtinus; Friendship songs; Love songs; of jibe and slander; of the Galician/Portuguese minstrels from the 12th century..
Susana de Lorenzo: voice Xaquín Blanco: bagpipe, oboe, flutes Oscar Fernandez: hurdy-gurdy Bernardo Martínez: percussion instruments and flute Xoan Pinon: guitar
DOA. Music band from Galicia, Songs of Saint Mary; of Alfonso X the Wise; Martín Codax; Codex Calixtinus; Friendship songs; Love songs; of jibe and slander; of the Galician/Portuguese minstrels from the 12th century..
Susana de Lorenzo: voice Xaquín Blanco: bagpipe, oboe, flutes Oscar Fernandez: hurdy-gurdy Bernardo Martínez: percussion instruments and flute Xoan Pinon: guitar