Attendee's of Twombly & Poussin: Arcadian Painters - Thursday, 15th September 2011

  • 13 years ago
Comparisons were being drawn between painter's Nicolas Poussin and Cy Twombly at Dulwich Picture Gallery on Thursday September 15th. Art enthusiasts gathered to witness their work first hand and to identify the link between their work. Cy Twombly is an abstract artist whose art is based on love and loss illustrated with an expansive use of colour. The exhibition compared his work to another master with different style, Poussin. Although there are similarities in that they both ended up living in Rome, it seems many art enthusiasts may have missed the connection. The comparison in work may sit uneasy for some attendees but the gallery still provided a brilliant exhibition of the two masters work. WinkBall video reporter's were at Dulwich Gallery asking attendee's if they saw the link between the two artists, and also, what their favourite piece of work was.
