Tom Gillesberg, independent candidate, International Press Center, Copenhagen, EIR interview, Sept. 13, 2011

  • 13 years ago
Tom Gillesberg,chairman of The Schiller Institute in Denmark, and independent candidate in the Greater Copenhagen area for The Friends of the Schiller Institute, speaks at the International Press Center in Copenhagen on Sept. 13, 2011. Interviewed by Michelle Rasmussen, EIR, Executive Intelligence Review's Copenhagan bureau. Schiller Video 93.

The interview is about his campaign slogan, "Glass Steagall -- or Chaos," Gillesberg warns that without a reenactment of Franklin Roosevelt's 1933 bank law, which divided up the banks, to ensure that there are no government guarantees for speculative activities, as the first step toward a solution, the collapse of the financial system will lead to economic and social chaos.

EIR founding editor Lyndon LaRouche, who has been warning about a coming collapse of the international financial and economic systems for years, is supporting the immediate passage of Glass Steagall legislation under consideration in the U.S. Congress, H.R. 1489.

EIR has kindly made this interview available to Tom Gillesberg.

Contact and read more about Gillesberg: +45 35 43 00 33,,

Follow LaRouche's political campaign in the U.S.:

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In Copenhagen: +45 35 43 60 40
